Ausflug in Paris könnte besser sein,
Abends Lichterfahrt auf der Seine hat nicht stattgefunden,war auch schlecht gepland,der letzte Abend.
Dann war auch Käptainsdinner und einpacken,das ist zuviel.
: 50-55 Jahre
Путешествовал в качестве Paar
Our Christmas cruise Passau/Budapest/Passau exceeded all expectations. Gourmet food(10 stars) and very friendly and helpfull staff ensured that we had a most memorable holiday.
4.0 / 5Хорошо
Zustand des Schiffes
4.0 / 5Хорошо
5.0 / 5Отлично
Das Schiff allgemein
: 50-55 Jahre
Путешествовал в качестве Paar
The ship is beautifully designed and the interior is of very high standard, lounge and dining room very spacious and light with all the big windows allowing for a beautiful view.
The cabin was exceedingly well designed, enough cupboard space and enough room under the bed to store you suitcases and bags. Airconditioned and a TV added to the comfort.
The food was without a doubt the most memorable, first class cuisine with a selection on the daily starter and main meal as well as additional other choices as lunch time.
As it was a winter cruise the weather did not allow for any outdoor sports. The musicians on board was of real high calibre, entertaining us every night and during the late afternoon with really good music.
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